Saturday, September 5, 2009

For the Ocho

...because only you all would understand. :)

So, Steve-O is in town this weekend and we had planned to try to meet up at a bar last night. Unfortunately, we kept missing each other's texts and phone calls so we had no set plans. Laura and I were out at Madhatter and decided to wander over to Rumors...

A little background: Rumors is the bar that Sean and all the Sigma Pi boys used to go to allll the time. A couple weeks ago I ran into Matt Brown out at a bar and we chatted and caught up on everyone's news -- Matt is living with his girlfriend (big move!), Sean is still dating his girlfriend from about a year ago, and he took the Bar exam and moved back home to MA. Matt also told me that they never really go to Rumors anymore -- the Rumors phase is done.

Back to last night: I walk into Rumors and see a guy who looks like Matt Brown. Laura and I did a walk-by to see if we could tell if its him. Still couldnt tell, so we walk across to the other side of the bar so we could get a different view (we're creepers, I know). I discover that this Matt look-alike was wearing a Wake hat and determine it must be him. So I walked over and said hi. Then I proceed to text Steve-o and say, "I'm standing next to Brown, where are you?" Naturally Laura and I do a walk through of the bar to scope out any potentials and to see if we can find Steve-O. I see him standing next to the upstairs bar and he's talking to some guy with a baseball hat. I couldnt really tell but I assumed the kid he was talking to was this guy John (Sigma Pi, '05) who I know, but not that well, so I decide to just say hi to Steve-O and talk to him for a few minutes before saying hi to John. After talking to Steve-O for about a minute or two this other guy leans over to us and says, "umm, hi Nikki..." Oh guess who it is! Its not John. Its SEAN. I had a mini heart attack and was like, "oh my god I totally didnt realize that was you!" Followed by lots of hugs, then small talk, etc etc. It was actually really nice to chat (once I got over the initial shock of seeing him). While I'm back talking to Steve-O, I noticed that Sean was standing next to this girl (and thanks facebook I recognized her as his gf) and he introduced her to Laura, and then leaned over to her and said, "And that's Nikki over there" but we did not get a formal introduction. At the end of the night she walked over to me and said, "Hi Nikki. Sean really wants me to meet you, I'm Allie." So we did the small talk for a little bit while Sean was standing off to the side talking to Laura trying to ignore the complete awkwardness of his current gf chatting it up with his ex-gf. haha good times. :) She went to undergrad and grad school here in DC and is currently a therapist for a private practice up in MA, where she's from. Anyway, Sean is trying to find a job and just kinda hanging out till November when he finds out if he passed the Bar.

But in all honesty, it was kinda nice to see him again (aside from my heart stopping when I first realized it was him). haha, oh Friday nights at Rumors...

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