Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Waiting Game

The biggest test of my LIFE was this morning and it turns out I apparently do occassionally get test anxiety. I was so nervous that I started freaking out on my way to the testing center because I forgot a pencil! It took me a couple minutes before I could calm myself down enough to remember that the test is computerized. Geez. I'm so glad its over but now I wont find out whether or not I passed till Friday. Thats TWO days away! How do you expect me to sit and wait for that long?! I am not a patient person. Ugh. The test shut off after about 100 questions (I stopped keeping track after 80) so I hope I passed... Its making me super nervous just thinking about it. We'll find out in a couple days.

So until then, just keeping myself busy: dinner with the girls tonight, relaxing by the pool all day tomorrow, then the Red Sox/Nationals game tomorrow night! SO excited!! Alright, I'll keep you posted...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

DC bar scene

Last night we decided to go to the Georgetown Waterfront b/c it was absolutely gorgeous outside. We got dressed up in cute little dresses and went to Nick's. Within about 15 minutes of us getting to the bar, a woman started talking to us and Laura and I both kinda got the feeling she may have been hitting on us, haha. But then there were 2 guys standing behind us who had the following conversation:

Guy #1: (referring to me) She's attractive. Let's go talk to them.
Guy #2: (looking me up and down) I dont know...
Guy #1: Well, I mean, she's pretty cute. We can at least talk to them.
Guy #2: Eh... we can do better.

...Awesome. Thank you. That makes me feel real good about myself. And why the hell you would have this conversation while standing right behind us where we can hear you is beyond me. Seriously? People are ridiculous.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


This weekend Ally and I went skydiving in the Poconos! It was so incredible! I highly recommend it to everyone. I was really afraid I was going to freak out but the anticipation of it all was much worse than the actual experience. Our instructors/jumpers/people we were attached to were super cool. Rob, my instructor, was awesome, kinda hippie-ish and very sarcastic which was good b/c that helped calm my nerves. (Although I can imagine his sarcasm totally freaking out a scared jumper.) We flew up in this tiny little plane that had no seats. We were just crammed in there sitting on the floor - it was so cramped I was sitting on Rob's lap. Ally and Kyle (her very cute instructor) thought it'd be fun and get into the plane first thus forcing me to jump first. Thanks, guys. So they fly up to 10,000 feet and the door opens (btw, I was sitting right next to the door. I'm talking my arm was resting on the door!) and then there's a huge gust of wind. My photographer, Pooky (also very cool), went out first and hung off the plane while I got ready to jump. Once that door opens everything happens so fast that you dont even have time to be scared. The next thing I knew I was falling; it was amazing.

our plane

Getting situated in the plane. Yep. That is where I sat. I told you, RIGHT next to the door.

Free falling.

Making it safely to the ground.

Jump Certificate.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"He's Just Not That Into You"

Has anyone seen it? More importantly, did anyone like it? This was probably the most frustrating movie I have ever seen. Granted, I should've known what to expect since I'd read the book. (Well, I read half of the book b/c I found it to be a giant waste of time due to the sheer common sense of it all, but anyway.) The movie did somewhat save itself with the few happy endings but the intense frustration throughout the entire movie that came with knowing that people like its characters actually exist in real life was so overbearing that that's all I could focus on.

Oh, and as if I didnt already have a hatred for Scarlett Johansson, this movie just sealed the deal.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

2nd Degree -- check!, if only I could actually work on getting my license... :-p

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life as an "adult"

Well, its been a while but thats because not being a student makes life dull. I work 3 days/week, spend weekends with the fam, and the rest of the time at the pool or watching NCIS (best show ever :)). I thought with all this free time I'd be bored out of my mind (and some days I am) but it's actually quite nice to get to relax for a change. I definitely do not miss writing pointless papers or studying for tests -- although technically I should be studying for the nclex that is coming up THIS MONTH... It makes me nervous when I tell people I havent been studying and the various responses include: "Oh...well...thats ok...", "umm...", "Nikki!!", or nervous laughter - all of which are accompanied by a horrified look of uncertainty. Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys. :-p Whatev, I have time. Or so I tell myself. I'm not too worried about it yet (not sure if that's a good sign or bad). I have a feeling I will, as always, put it off till the last minute and then cram like crazy - a method that has worked through 20 years of schooling. Why mess with it? :)