Got my first few shifts as a nurse done. I'm so glad I did my internship during the school year here because it definitely gave me a good head start and my preceptor didnt have to stop and explain every tiny little thing to me. My first day on the floor Ruth (my preceptor) and I had a really busy group and we didnt get a chance to sit down to eat lunch till 3:30 (our day starts at 7am, so that is a LONG morning). Since I was already familiar with the floor and how to do some nursing things, we were able to split up and kind of tag-team it all day, otherwise I dont know how we would've survived the day. I've only worked 4 shifts and already I've learned so much:
- I've changed several central line dressings,
- hung all kinds of IV medications,
- started a PCA
- accessed a mediport (so scary!)
- admitted a patient,
- and I take on a 3 patient load
I love it! I've had my share of annoying patients already (but I'm used to that). And putting up with doctors and med students is a new experience. There's one med student who is so obnoxious; thinks he knows everything and tries to tell the nurses how to do their job. Seriously kid, dont tell me what to do. Although, I'm totally in love with our intern - he's so dorky, but in a super cute way. He's adorable. :) Anyway, thats all for now... gotta get to sleep - working tonight and tomorrow night. Yay night shifts... :-p
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