Wednesday, October 27, 2010

reality vs drama

M and I went out for a couple drinks and to watch MNF the other night and we made friends with the guy sitting at the bar next to us...

Man: So, wait a minute. You're a nurse?
Me: Yes.
Man: And he's a doctor?
Me: Yes.
Man: And you both work at Georgetown?
Me: Yes.
Man (smirking): Niiiice. How does that work?
Me: What do you mean?
Man: Well you know, is there an HR issue there? Is it awkward?
Me: No.
Man: Oh. I just thought it might cause some drama, you know, a nurse and a doctor...
Me: No, its really not as uncommon as you think.
Man (disappointed): Oh...

It always entertains me how people assume that working in a hospital is comparable to prime time drama (aka Grey's). The sneaking around, the incestual-type hook-ups where everyone hooks up with everyone else, sex in the on-call room, etc etc. Sadly, real-life hospital gossip is just not that juicy. But I suppose that doesnt stop people's imaginations from conjuring up steamy stories. ....Now, if you wanna hear stories about crazy and ridiculous patients, then I could entertain you for hours... :-P

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