Wednesday, October 27, 2010

reality vs drama

M and I went out for a couple drinks and to watch MNF the other night and we made friends with the guy sitting at the bar next to us...

Man: So, wait a minute. You're a nurse?
Me: Yes.
Man: And he's a doctor?
Me: Yes.
Man: And you both work at Georgetown?
Me: Yes.
Man (smirking): Niiiice. How does that work?
Me: What do you mean?
Man: Well you know, is there an HR issue there? Is it awkward?
Me: No.
Man: Oh. I just thought it might cause some drama, you know, a nurse and a doctor...
Me: No, its really not as uncommon as you think.
Man (disappointed): Oh...

It always entertains me how people assume that working in a hospital is comparable to prime time drama (aka Grey's). The sneaking around, the incestual-type hook-ups where everyone hooks up with everyone else, sex in the on-call room, etc etc. Sadly, real-life hospital gossip is just not that juicy. But I suppose that doesnt stop people's imaginations from conjuring up steamy stories. ....Now, if you wanna hear stories about crazy and ridiculous patients, then I could entertain you for hours... :-P

for your reading pleasure

"Drinking is the only way to deal with morons."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

patting myself on the back :-p

I'm gonna toot my own horn in this post so I apologize, but this totally made my day and every time I think about it, it makes me super happy. So I'm going to share it. Mr. B is one of our patients who recently got re-admitted to the hospital and I saw him for the first time in about a year and a half...

Mr. & Mrs. B: NIKKI!!
Me: Hi Mr. & Mrs. B, how are you guys doing?
Mrs. B: Well, we've been better.
Mr. B: But at least we got a bed on 6 Bles this time. It was the best news I'd heard all night.
Me: Well we wouldn't want you on any other floor. Mary is your nurse tonight and I'm the charge nurse so let me know if you need anything.
Mr. B: Well look at you! You're charge nurse now? That's great.
Mr. B: I just cant get over that you were a tech the last time I saw you and now you're a nurse. You're charge nurse! That's wonderful.
Me: Yeah, it's really good. I'm loving it.
Mr. B: Well you were great. [My wife and I] knew you'd be a great nurse. We loved when you took care of us. You were always one of our favorites.
Me: Aww
Mr. B: No really. Top 2 or 3. I cant tell you who the others are though. But every time I came back for a clinic visit, I would come up to the floor to say hi and see who was working. I hoped to see you, but you were never working those days.
Me: Oh no, thats too bad.
Mr. B: Yeah, you're a favorite. I'd say Top 2.

During a long shift of having to deal with obnoxious, needy patients, that conversation was a nice reminder of why I do what I do. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long overdue

There were not very many quotes recorded from Homecoming weekend, but these are the 3 that I have saved on my phone:
  • "You need to sit closer to me so I can touch you." --Danielle to me
  • "How cute is he?!? He's such a dreamboat!!" -- Mike
  • "Well, he's a man. ...So clearly you are the boss." --Mike to me
Other highlights from the weekend:
  • spending a lovely relaxing Friday with Chinlund :)
  • walking on the quad on a gorgeous Friday afternoon
  • Running into Willie and having his gf and her friend glare at us the entire time
  • Katie's cheerleading outfit
  • Mike trying to convince the parking police to let us keep the car parked
  • Matt following us to our tailgate when the game started
  • a certain member of the Ocho making out with a certain Sigma Pi at the bar... ;)