Thursday, November 11, 2010


Me: Haha, oh Ben. I love that you're even more cynical than I am.
Ben: Well when you get to a certain age, it's totally appropriate.
Me: When you get to a certain age? So are you saying its not appropriate that I'm cynical?
Ben: Haha, at your age, no. You're way too young to be cynical.

I think I am in desperate need of a vacation b/c I have found that I get super irritated at work very easily. I dont know if I just work too many shifts in a row (which has its perks since I usually get a couple days off in a row after that) but I have definitely noticed that my threshold for annoyance is significantly lower than it used to be. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE my job, and I LOVE being a nurse. If you've ever heard me talk about my job, you know that there really is NOTHING I would rather be doing with my life, but I just dont have the patience anymore. I know its all part of the job, but I'm tired of dealing with pharmacists who dont put in orders in a timely fashion; I'm tired of lab technicians who "lose" specimens; I'm tired of patients who pull out their IVs 20 minutes before my shift is over, who try to manipulate you for pain medicine, who refuse to get their assess out of bed and do anything for themselves, or patients who yell at you and question your nursing judgment. Sorry for the bitch-fest. I just need a break. Or I'll at least settle for a pleasant, appreciative patient who can remind me why I do what I do. Siiiiigh.

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