Katie came to visit over Labor Day weekend and it was awesome! We didnt really do much touristy stuff, but we still had a great time. Friday we went out with Lisa and her bf to U street (ran into some doctors from G-town walking down the street), got hit on by 2 Russians "fresh off the boat," and K got hit on by a guy whose sexuality is still in question. Saturday I took K to Pentagon City Mall, then we met up with my friends to watch some college football, and then we went to Chinatown and hung out at the bars there. Sunday was the National's game with my friend Katie and her bf, followed by a bbq at Sarah's, then out to Kitchen (best bar ever, esp since S and now friends with the bartender). Monday we finally did a few touristy things: ate at busboys & poets (yum!) then went to the Newseum, then the National Archives. Good weekend!!
Here are the memorable quotes:
- That is an unfortunate waste of a man
- They only like the chubby ones!
- I'm Aleks. With a K-S. It's phonetic.
- Do you do tai chi?
- Katie, what would your at-bat song be? Drop it low.
- I would rather have the wide vagina
- I'm so drunk I'm deaf in one ear!
- I need a boy... Not a pretend boy.
- Yeah, we're like salmon
- I could fake it for a week in Tahiti.